Metropolis Directed by RintarôDVD Set in a futuristic city dominated by a newly-constructed, immense “Ziggurat,” or Tower of Babel, Metropolis is a jazz-age sci-fi film based on
WALL-E Directed by Andrew StantonDVD One of the greatest Pixar movies that came out during my childhood is Wall-E. This 2008 Pixar animated movie is hilarious, moving, and filled with
The 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger action-thriller Predator is easily one of my all-time favorite movies, and I am so excited to see its prequel Prey now streaming on Hulu. If you also love
Where the Crawdads Sing By Delia OwensAdult Fiction Where the Crawdads Sing follows two storylines: Kya Clark, a young girl who was abandoned by her family and shunned by the town soon
We all love movies with great music scores—Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings… There are so many incredible movies with scores to match. Sometimes movies with fantastic music go
Minari (2021, PG-13) Directed by Lee Isaac ChungDVD The year 2020 was full of surprises and postponements as we all found ways to confront and live with the new coronavirus and its effects.