Orem Reads: Sarah M. Eden
October 4 | 7 PM | Orem Library, Ashton Auditorium
Sarah M. Eden is a USA Today bestselling author of witty and charming historical romances, including 2020’s Foreword Reviews INDIE Awards Gold Winner for Romance, Forget Me Not, and 2020 Holt Medallion finalist, Healing Hearts. Join us for a reading of Sarah’s work, followed by a Q&A and book signing.
Interview with Sarah M. Eden
What is your favorite thing about writing romance? Why do you think romance resonates with so many readers?
I love that romance is, at its heart, hopeful. Even when the story touches on difficult things or the characters are enduring hardships, the ending is always a happy one, with the promise that the couple will weather the storms that are coming. It’s a promise that we can find joy even in a difficult journey, and I love that.
If you could meet/date any fictional character, who would it be?
One fictional character I would really like to meet is Mr. Bingley from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Not having been born into the landed gentry, I think he would have a very interesting perspective on the division between old money and new money. I would also love to find out from him how he came to be best friends with Mr. Darcy, who really doesn’t have friends outside of Bingley. How did he manage to get past the walls and the social awkwardness and the intimidation that have kept everyone else at arms length? And he is such a kind, affable person, that I know an afternoon spent in conversation with him would be delightful.
What are some of the books that made you want to write?
The many books I’ve read that brought me joy, that introduced me to memorable characters, that were well written are part of what motivates me to write. The works of Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, Elizabeth Gaskell, Scott O’Dell, and Carly Kelly, among so many others, have been part of my journey as a writer.
If you could take a month-long vacation in any book, which would you choose, and why?
So much of what I read and write is historical fiction. I don’t know that I could spend a month in a time before plumbing, electricity, modern medicine, etc. Perhaps if I found a book set in the Irish countryside with all those conveniences but none of the problems that make books interesting but that I wouldn’t want to deal with myself. I guess that means my answer is “I would take a month-long vacation in the world’s most boring book.”
What is your favorite quote about books and/or reading?
One of my favorites is “You know you’ve read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.” –Paul Sweeney.
What are you currently working on? Any upcoming writing or creative projects?
I have eight releases on the schedule for 2023, so I am working on a lot of things: more in my Dread Penny Society series, my Gents series, and my Huntresses series, as well as new projects and new story ideas. I’m also thoroughly enjoying researching the history of the northwestern United States, including Alaska, for a couple of really fun projects that are still in the planning stages.