To Kill A Mockingbird
By Harper Lee
Adult Fiction/Teen Fiction
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a coming-of-age novel that shows how a young child in Alabama comes to understand the world around her. One of the main concepts visited throughout the book is the topic of race and racism. This topic is remarkably relevant in the world we live in today. This book offers a great opportunity to deeply consider the issues of racism in our country and how the injustices in the book may relate to what we see in our society.
Lee expertly crafts the story in such a way that it is both entertaining and allows you to think about crucial parts of the world. The narration of the story is through the point of view of the main character, Scout, who is only a child as these events are taking place. This allows for a simplistic and pure tone of how a child would actually perceive the world around them. The role of the adults in the story, especially Atticus, is to educate the children and introduce the important themes of the story.
This book is beautifully written and is an absolute delight to read. This book would be enjoyed by anyone who enjoys coming-of-age novels, classics, good writing, American literature, an interesting story, or books discussing race or racism in America. I absolutely adored this book and believe it has rightfully earned its spot as an American classic.
Book Review by Stella Stoddard, Orem Teen Library Council