What Do You Do With an Idea?
By Kobi Yamada
Picture Book
Have you ever wondered what you should do with that random idea that pops into your head? Well, in What Do You Do With an Idea? our main character is wondering the same thing! When our ideas first pop into our head, they usually start off small and incomplete, but as we give them attention and time, they can grow into something wonderful. In Yamada’s book, we are taken on an adventure of what it can look and feel like to have an idea. But most importantly, we see what can happen when we let that idea grow, and what magic can come out of it. Our main character learns what it takes to turn an idea into something real and that it has the possibility to change the world. We just have to remember that the most important part of the process is to believe in ourselves.
After reading this wonderful story, I hope you can find a renewed hope in trying new things and remembering that failing is part of the process. If you liked this book, you should also read some of Kobi Yamada’s other children’s books—What Do You Do With a Problem?, Trying, What Do You Do With a Chance?, and Maybe.
Book Review by Jessica Adams, Library Assistant