A History of American Sports in 100 Objects
By Cait Murphy
Adult Nonfiction
Sports books are not just how-to books nor are they just for diehard sports fans. There are some of them that have a much broader appeal. I would like to tell you about one of those. The name of the book is A History of American sports in 100 Objects. This book looks at all kinds of history through these unique objects.
They range from Jesse Owen’s baton used in Hitler’s 1936 Olympics, Annie Oakley’s rifle (She was banned from local turkey shoots by the age of 20 because she won all of them!), to the six iron that Alan Shepherd used to hit the first golf balls on the moon. These objects tell much more than a great story about a sporting event, they tell the history of our nation. Each of the objects has a one to two page spread so if you can’t spend a lot of time reading you can put it down and come back later.
I hope you will browse around the sports area when you come to the library. If you have a book that you would like the library to purchase there is a request form on the library’s website. The call number for the general area is 795-799, just west of the adult reference desk. The call number for this particular book is 796.0973 M9521. Enjoy!
Book Review by Toni Brown, Librarian