Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans
By Michaeleen Doucleff
In Hunt, Gather, Parent, the author travels around the world to research child-rearing techniques in other cultures. She is motivated to do this because she has had a difficult time raising her own 3-year-old daughter, Rosie. Having read many child-rearing and self-help books with sometimes conflicting advice, and with no improvement in her relationship with her daughter, she embarks on her search. I enjoyed the descriptions of her experiences with Mexican families, Native American families in northern Canada, and African families. After incorporating some of these teachings into her own life, she and her daughter are now much happier. Child-rearing wisdom has been around for thousands of years, but many practices from the past are very different from the way most modern families rear their children. This book was eye-opening for me!
Book Review by Chris, Circulation Library Assistant