The Help By Kathryn StockettFiction I loved reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett because of the perspectives and overall great writing it possesses. The formatting of the book makes it easy
New year, new you. You’ve decided you need to read more, a goal you make every year, with the same disappointing result every time. My aim is to remove that infamous first stumbling
Everyone has their perfect idea of the perfect escapist read. Mine is romance and since I purchase genre romance novels for the Orem Public Library, I get generous amounts of romantic
Any student of history will tell you that life is hard. Throughout the centuries human kind has experienced plagues, wars, civil unrest, economic turndown, earthquakes, hurricanes, drought,
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue By V.E. SchwabAdult Fiction Schwab has long been one of my favorite authors because she has an incredible way of pulling you into her worlds. I felt like I
A good title can do a lot for a book. I’m not normally one to pick up a murder mystery, but this title, The 7 ½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, intrigued me. Why seven and a half? How does
In Daughter of the Forest, Young Sorcha is content with her life at Sevenwaters. She loves her six older brothers dearly and hasn’t felt lacking. She even feels a sense of belonging in